Sandy's Lingo
Words Her Way
Should You Travel in the Time of Whatever-This-Is?
“Live with no excuses and travel with no regrets” ~ Oscar Wilde “Little by little, one travels far." J.R. Tolkein “Live your life.” Dr. Regina Kohls “You worry too much. Stop worrying. It will be fine,” said my older daughter multiple times as we planned the 12-day...
What would it be like? Ask a Lithuanian.
A tourism campaign for Vilnius, Lithuania, declared itself “the g-spot of Europe,” because, “Nobody knows where it is, but when you find it—it’s amazing.” The spot, so to speak, is lovely, if not amazing, but the people are nothing short of amazing. Actually heroic. ...
" Some writers in the throes of writer's block think their muses have died, but I don't think that happens often; I think what happens is that the writers themselves sow the edges of their clearing with poison bait to keep their muses away, often without knowing they...
The Tale of Two Couches, Two Women, and the Man They Loved
Last night I slept on my mother-in-law’s gold couch. This is the couch I convinced her to buy a few years ago to replace her ratty forty-year-old one. We shopped all day, first going to all the places she wanted, cheap furniture stores in dicey neighborhoods. I...
I knew you were coming. I baked a cake.
Come in! Well, well, well. Look who's here. I haven't seen you in many A year. If I knew you were comin' I'd've baked a cake, baked a cake, baked a cake If I knew you were comin' I'd've baked a cake Howdya do, howdya do, howdya do? 1950 Song Lyrics Two years ago,...
I Ran Away From Home During the Pandemic
Not sure when I hatched the plan. Was it when my husband came home from his doctor’s appointment at 10:30 one morning and found me in bed reading? “I see you haven’t made it out of bed yet,” he said. Was it when he lay in bed, conversing with Siri in that slow,...
Americans Puttin’ on the Blitz
"Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few.” Winston Churchill “Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it. Ignorance may deride it. Malice may distort it. But there it is.” Winston Churchill “We will not be muzzled! No...
Social Distancing Just Doesn’t Cut It
“Touch is a social glue, and without it, we’re in danger of becoming unglued.” Gregg Levoy* About five weeks ago (I first typed “five years”) my friend Susan and I sat on two park benches on opposite ends, putting us at least ten feet apart. Before sitting,...
Crawling Out of the Deep Dark Covid Hole
Maybe it was because I had just dyed my hair for the second time while in captivity. Or maybe it was because I had just squeezed the last squoze out of the toothpaste tube I had opened on the first day of the quarantine. Just maybe it was because we had let the house...
June Cleaver Has Left the House
Last night my normally fastidious husband tossed his coat on the bench, the bench that sits a mere three feet away from our coat closet. “Why didn’t you hang up your coat?” I asked. “I’ll just have to get it out of the closet tomorrow morning.” “By that reasoning, why...
Love in the Time of Covid: Marriage Was Made for Exactly This
“I wonder why one candle is dripping more than the other,” wondered my husband “I wonder if those Adirondack chairs are plastic or wood?” “I wonder why they didn’t tear down this building/paint this wall/put on a new doorknob, and where exactly does the...
The Corona Virus Chased Us Out of Norway
It was 2:45 AM on Thursday, March 12. (Is it even possible that, as I am writing this, it was just four weeks ago? The world is a different place.) Rick was sound asleep in our daughter Allison’s guest room in Oslo, Norway. But I was wide awake beside him. We had...